Deep Kranzky

Kranzky's Dairy


Dzung’s course was cancelled, so she took the kids to karate. I took the opportunity to do some HackTile work. Began by implementing multiple cameras, making sure to handle different aspect ratios, and to remove hardwiring of the texture size for rendering the game. Working well!

Multiple Cameras

Next I introduced entity states for spawning and unspawning, and rendered these with a different colour. This requires the engine updates to synchronise with entity creation and deletion, so I introduced a new opcode allowing the engine to synchronise entities each time it updates. Also worked rather well!

Entity States

The next step will be to update controls to allow the cameras to be manipulated, and to implement a nice debug manager to allow different parts of the engine to display debugging information on-screen, such as camera location, entity counts and frame rate.

Dzung making shaking beef for dinner. I also managed some time with The West Wing Weekly and Breath of the Wild; in the latter I’ve been running through as many shrines as possible, now that I’ve switched my playstyle from open-ended exploration to completing the main quests. Crazy I know (the game’s been out for well over a year), but I’m in no rush.


Busy all day at work. Rushed out in the morning to buy a birthday present for Eli; Pokemon pack reduced from $80 to $30. Girl at the games store thought I was there for Magic cards (there’s just been a new release).

Heads-down all day working. Quick break at lunch for meatball pasta and wine with The West Wing, then back to the grind. No time for HackTile—picked up Jack from Eli’s party (Eliza and I met Dzung walking home from the train station on the way), then back to a warm house to recover with a cognac and order Thai delivery for dinner, which was delicious with a beer. Then snuggled on the floor under a blanket with the kids to watch Black Panther. Made popcorn. After the kids had been put to bed Dzung and I had a cuppa and played Letter Tycoon. She won on points. Ended the night reading in bed. A real family Friday.


Long, productive day at work, finishing the last of the work before the end of the current sprint, and culminating in a late conference call to New York. So no HackTile, apart from a few ideas about how to improve the camera system to deal with multiple cameras and arbitrary aspect ratios.

Made “bashy pork”, aka Japanese port katsu curry, for dinner. Proud to learn that Eliza is in the top 50 maths students, of around 350 in total. She’s really made a great start to high school.

Gardeners came today, and I returned a misdelivered package of cat food to our next-door neighbours. Amazing what you can buy online these days. Dzung out with April and Mary for lunch; I had onion soup and cheese on toast while watching The West Wing. Zelda book was delivered, which Jack loved. He wet his pants during class assembly rehearsal today; first time in ages.

Ended the day watching the second half of “Game Night” which Dzung and I started last night.


Busy day at work; got a lot done, and also managed to get the HackTile refactor finished to the point where everything is running once again. Nice to have abstracted out an entity manager, a camera manager and an input handler, improved object state and lifetime management, and cleaned up a lot of the code. Still much more to do, but progress being made!

Plan to finish the day with a bit more work on my day job, and then perhaps watch a movie or play some games tonight. Dzung is going to be cooking spaghetti and meatballs, but I must admit I’m still pretty full from the curry laksa we ate for lunch.


Back to the grind after the long weekend. Cold and rainy. Dropped kids to school and did some grocery shopping at Garbo, then back home for a productive morning of work before a brief call with Will and a steak lunch with Wil. More work in the afternoon, then made bangers and mash and watched an episode of A Series of Unfortunate Events before putting the kids to bed.

And, partly due to a chat with Wil after lunch, I got my mojo back and did some HackTile work. Not much, but enough to get my head back around it and make some progress. The last part of the refactoring is writing the entity manager; I hope to do that over the next few days to get things back up-and-running.

May need to visit Boffins to get a good C99 reference.


Sleep in. Dzung off to pick up kids from their sleepover, then I took Jack grocery shopping after a late breakfast of scrambled eggs and strong coffee. After lunch (Dzung made ramen) we went shopping for a new desk for Dzung’s office (no purchase yet), then back home for a long session of Letter Tycoon (cold and rainy day, so indoor boardgames are perfect). Dinner of leftover tortillas and soup, followed by a session of Kirby Star Allies. Kids to bed, and Dzung and I finished the night by watching “I, Tonya”. What a lazy WA Day!


Beautiful morning. Eliza off to tennis training. Jack and I reading over a lazy breakfast, then searched for (and found) Dzung’s lost Kindle. Picked up Lilian and Eliza and headed to Dim Sum for family “brunch”. Beautiful sunny day eating outside at 8 On The Point. Went back to Van and Kiet’s and walked the kids over to the new adventure playground near the stadium, where they spent a happy hour building a cubby house.

Back home for a rest, then dropped the kids to Finlay’s for a sleepover. Dzung and I out to meet up with Annie and Elaine for a dinner at Garum, Guy Grossi’s new Perth restaurant. I thought the food was great, although not all of us agreed; there was a general mood of dissatisfaction with everything, which put somewhat of a damper on the evening. Ended with a brandy and a few more chapters, and, as you may have guessed, no HackTile.