Sleep-in and a leisurely outdoors breakfast in the brilliant sunshine. Still
feeling bad. Jack reading Calvin and Hobbes, which he discovered in my
bookshelf, while looking for something to do other than playing on screens.
Usual Saturday chores of clothes washing and taking the kids to karate. Faith
and Yoshiya were there; had a long chat with Faith about their recent trip to
Japan and her promotion at the ATO. Grabbed sushi, seafood chowder and crusty
baguette for lunch on the way home, and relaxed afterwards on the daybed,
reading Finders Keepers (I finished Mr. Mercedes this morning).
Philae over at 6pm to babysit the kids; Dzung and I went to Long Chim for dinner
and then watched “Behind the Barricade” at the Concert Hall. Home to bed. Zero
progress on HackTile.
Well, well, well. Haven’t been feeling well. Wrote a Rakefile to make writing
diary entries more efficient. Full, productive day at work. Jack had his friend
Eli over afyer school, but ended up throwing a tantrum. Punishment is a total
screen ban over the WA Day long weekend. Made tortillas for dinner. Delicious
with a G&T. Kids to bed and Dzung and I watched a few episodes of Endeavour, the
Inpector Morse prequel with all the pretty girls. Well, I half-watched while
finishing Mr. Mercedes. And, yet again, no Hacktile!
Well, I’ve really fallen off the wagon right here. Didn’t write this until the
next day. Had a busy day of work, then looked after the kids while Dzung was out
at company drinks. We picked up F&C from Tankk and watched YouTube videos. I had
a beer. After putting the kids to bed and reading to Eliza, I was the one who
was tanked, so I had an early night. Plan to make up for that “tomorrow”.
Productive day at work. No HackTile action (think I’m putting things off because
big refactorings are boooring). Thinking about getting a new TV.
Eliza’s Furby woke up in the middle of the night, talking loudly in the top of
her wardrobe at 3am. Crazy! I woke up feeling nauseous. Not sure why.
A little work on HackTile, continuing the refactoring work.
Eliza gave a talk on shark culling at school. She made a great powerpoint and
practiced her speech. Proud of her for busting through her nerves and speaking
loudly and confidently in front of her class and teacher.
Pub lunch with Wil. Talk of Amigas and Twin Peaks, naturally. Dinner at
Clancy’s in Freo with Lily and the entire family.
Wintery day. Took Jack in early so he could do school banking, then off for
grocery shopping before returning home to work. Productive; ended the current
sprint, released to production and started the next. Always feels good.
Some work with the HackTile camera system, to the point where both camera and
entities needed to be refactored out into their own files. Always tending the
garden; need to minimise dependencies and make things neat and tidy. Need an
entity manager to deal with the various entity pools (creating, busy,
destroying, free), and need to support multiple cameras. This is mundane,
humdrum but necessary, and will continue for a day or two.
Leftovers for dinner: lasagna and shepherd’s pie, with fresh salad and steamed
corn on the cob. Jack a bit sleep deprived… being silly and squawky. Eliza in
a bubble of happiness, still riding high after her birthday weekend.
Finished the day with Dzung watching Legion, then washing dishes while listening
to The West Wing Weekly. Still coughing like crazy after this cold.
Dzung off to the HBF Fun Run, I took the kids to a karate make-up class. Got the
times wrong, so Jack joined Eliza’s lesson. They trained pretty hard today, the
instructor wanted them to break through the wall where the mind wants to give up
but the body can keep going. Jack did great, but said he felt “noise-ious” when
he came to get a drink of water. Eliza’s friends (Cindy x 2 and Zophia) over to
go to birthday lunch at Ruocco’s in Fremantle. Then off for a shopping spree at
Garden City, and back home for cake and afternoon tea.
Did some work on HackTile; started to implement a debug UI, and continued work
on getting the camera hooked up to controller and mouse controls. Once that’s
wrapped I’ll be moving on to adding extra entity states for spawning and
destroying, and will then give these entities some textures and animations :)