Deep Kranzky

Kranzky's Dairy


Sleep-in and a leisurely outdoors breakfast in the brilliant sunshine. Still feeling bad. Jack reading Calvin and Hobbes, which he discovered in my bookshelf, while looking for something to do other than playing on screens.

Usual Saturday chores of clothes washing and taking the kids to karate. Faith and Yoshiya were there; had a long chat with Faith about their recent trip to Japan and her promotion at the ATO. Grabbed sushi, seafood chowder and crusty baguette for lunch on the way home, and relaxed afterwards on the daybed, reading Finders Keepers (I finished Mr. Mercedes this morning).

Philae over at 6pm to babysit the kids; Dzung and I went to Long Chim for dinner and then watched “Behind the Barricade” at the Concert Hall. Home to bed. Zero progress on HackTile.