Deep Kranzky

Kranzky's Dairy


Sunny today after a couple of weeks of wind and rain and destructive storms. So out for a mid-morning ride. Conditions were good and I zoomed along. Had a fun moment when I, on the bike path, ringing my bell and weaving between elderly pedestrians, overtook a young couple, resplendent in their spandex (or is it lycra?) and peddling their expensive racing bikes along the road beside me.

They took one look at my K-Mart bike and I heard the boy whisper something to the girl. Soon, on an uphill section, they zoomed past me, just before I veered off into the back streets to take a short-cut through the nature reserve around the rive that I usually favour.

I started riding hard, much harder than usual, to beat them to the spot where our routes would converge. And I prevailed, arriving a good half-minute before them (the shortcut saves at least a few hundred metres of distance) where I dismounted to take a swig of my drink bottle and leiusirely finger my phone before nodding as they rode past with stunned expressions which turned to laughter in their wake.


We’ve been in lockdown for over 50 days now, and yesterday was the first time in seven weeks that I’ve really felt bored. I had an overdue task to work on for my day job, which I was finding it difficult to get into, it was a gorgeous day but we had nowhere to go and nobody to visit, and all other forms of entertainment seemed trite. I guess I was suffering from ennui.

I feel better now; I’m making great progress on my overdue task, the weather is worsening, and I’m looking forward to playing some games later today :P


Western Australia has done a great job containing the spread of COVID-19, with just ten new cases over the past ten days. As a result some restrictions are being lifted, which raises the possibility of family brunch next weekend, and dinner with my parents. Fingers-crossed that numbers continue to look good; the risk is the delay between restrictions being lifted and numbers rising as a result (it could be up to two weeks for us to notice).

Watched “Music from the Home Front”, a great live concert on TV this Anzac Day. We stood on the driveway at 6am on Saturday the 25th with the kids for dawn service. At least half the street did the same. Kids sang “Song of Australia”.


Seen on my morning bike ride. Idiots live amongst us.

Covid 19


Looks like we’ll be facing at least 4 more weeks of isolation, but that schools will be returning in a week. Not sure how that works.


Got a guitar. Had been borrowing my BIL’s but decided it was time to get my own. Learning with RockSmith, and managing to practice for about an hour a day on average I reckon? It’s quite fun.

Apart from that, we’re still living this dystopian future.


Had an after-work beer with Matthew, Jack and Rob. Virtually, of course. Google Hangouts was janky so we switched to Zoom, and they gifted us unlimited meeting time. Worked pretty well, and we managed to play some of the JackBox party games. Coincidentally, young Jack (aka my son) has been doing Zoom classes at school. Great to see him and a few dozen of his classmates all working together during the day, and his teacher much love the ability to mute all the kids apart from the one that he is asking a question.