Deep Kranzky

Kranzky's Dairy


Kids to karate with Dzung. I did some housework. French onion soup and cheese on toast for lunch. Very tired in the afternoon; napped while listening to podcasts. Think I have a mild form of Eliza’s virus. Dzung made Ramen for dinner, and then she went to sleep early; I watched some game design videos on YouTube while crashing on the sofa. No HackTile at all. Waste of a day, really.


Danny Goodman! Hours of reminiscing on the sofa in the sunshine. Wil visited too. Great to catch up. Like no time had passed. Then busy at work, and off to mum and dad’s for a lamb roast. Very tired, to bed with a book while it rains.


Super busy at work. Got heaps done, but exhausted by the end of it. Fish for dinner. Eliza not feeling well and upset after a visit to the allergy doctor and finding out she cannot select drama in year 8, as she’s already a music student. Must find something she can do outside of school. Jack doing well with his maths and reading. Dzung working hard. I can’t slog on with HackTile tonight; I played around a bit but coding rules still feels premature; need to steep a bit longer and show it to Danny and Wil tomorrow. Will chill out with the TV before bed instead.


Very sore today after overdoing it yesterday with three repeats of the seven-minute workout. Can barely lift my arms. Work very busy; Dzung and I made an effort to go out to Hayashi for lunch. Frozen lasagna for dinner though.

No HackTile work, but put together an animation to post to Twitter.

Animation Demoo

Have been playing around with the editor, thinking about rules.


Very busy all day at work. Made good progress. Did North Shore homework with Jack. Eliza has a sore throat, worsening since yesterday. Dzung will take her to the Doctor tomorrow. Made steak, gravy, mash, beans and carrots for dinner. Dessert of custard and apple cake. HackTile for a bit; got animations working, and got the map serialising. Good enough for now; will switch to rules, and come back to animations once we need different states for movement and the like.


Very hungover. Should have stuck to my guns and avoided the drink. Slow morning as a result. Needed to finish cleaning too. Mum took the kids in the middle of the day, so after a hot shower I worked from late morning to early evening, and continued after dinner. Now to bed at ten o’clock with no HackTile done, but at least I managed a full work day.


Jack back to North Shore! We hope it’ll give him some discipline at school and that his grades will improve by the end of the year. Island Market for brunch; tried to limit what I ate. Then preparing steamboat once back home. Faith and Yoshiya loved playing the Vive, and I celebrated the halfway point of the increasingly inappropriately named “dry july” by sharing two bottles of red. Late night for the kids, and I couldn’t face cleaning up straight away, so watched “The Shining” first. Ended up still awake at 2:30am. No HackTile.