Deep Kranzky

Kranzky's Dairy


My first weeknotes!

Have just finished recording and publishing the first episode of “The Movies of 1985”. It was NYE this week so work was interrupted; still during the shutdown period so I knocked off some lower-priority tasks that wouldn’t get done otherwise. Usual New Year’s with Hoff, Elaine and family. We did a French theme; Dzung made onion soup, I did potatoes daphenoise, Eliza made hors douvres and Hoff made a beef bourgonoin with wagyu chuck, and please forgive my spelling. We slept over after staying up past 1:30am drinking whisky. Hoff shared a 1998 Grange at dinner which was amazing. We brought a white wine to go with the soup and a bottle of bolly (i.e Bollinger). We all went to Viet Hoa for lunch the next day where I had the worst indigestion ever. An inauspicious start to the year but hopefully that set the low water mark and it’ll be all uphill from there. Fireworks on the Shelley foreshore with the family that night, then back to work for a few days. Drinks, a swim and games (hues and clues) at Elaine’s on Friday and recorded the last “The Movies of 1999” podcast with Craig on Saturday morning. Had a great catch-up with the Uni crowd at Neera and Richard’s on Saturday night where more games were played (codenames). Rode over 80km in three separate bike rides this week; my goal is a modest 2500km this year, along with reading 36 books, as well as less drinking and more exercise in general. Usual family brunch on Sunday. Looking forward to a week’s break down in Dunsborough starting tomorrow!

I will really try to write in paragraphs, or use bullet points next time. And I want this to be about personal projects, so I’ll make a start on that once holiday mode is over.