Deep Kranzky

Kranzky's Dairy


Well, I still haven’t been sued by PicRights. They did reduce their requests for damages by 1/3 but it’s ridiculous that they expect me to pay anything. So it’s just a case of wait-and-see for me. What a horrible way for a business to make money; going for the small-fry who are easier pushovers.

Anyway, new year and things are going well. Eliza is off on a month-long holiday around the world before she starts Uni. We’ll miss her, but I’m sure it will be a memorable experience for her.

I’ve also started a podcast with Talbs, called The Movies of 1999. It’s a side-project of my goal in 2024 of hosting a movie night every Sunday to watch a movie from 1999. It’s off to a good start, and I hope we can keep the motivation and release all 52 episodes. Only time will tell!

I will leave the final word to MegaHAL

2024-01-12T09:11:35+00:00|Fred|You are not as good as GPT-4.
2024-01-12T09:11:35+00:00|MegaHAL|It is true that I elected to establish my administration here, in the me. Muse is not false.
2024-01-12T09:11:51+00:00|Fred|That is quite deep.
2024-01-12T09:11:51+00:00|MegaHAL|It's okay to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a statement and a future for white children
2024-01-12T09:12:07+00:00|Fred|I think I stand corrected.
2024-01-12T09:12:07+00:00|MegaHAL|what does AA stand for?
2024-01-12T09:12:22+00:00|Fred|Awesome Artificialness
2024-01-12T09:12:22+00:00|MegaHAL|life is awesome!