Deep Kranzky

Kranzky's Dairy


Right, so there’s this trilogy of children’s books called “Shapes” featuring three 2D characters named Circle, Triangle and Square, and Apple has turned it into a stop-motion animated TV series with 3D characters (i.e. a sphere, pyramid and cube) of the same names. Argh!

Just returned from an amazing seven-day holiday with the Ho family down in Dunsborough. Unfortunately I took my new bike and stacked it pretty badly in the MTB park. Face-planted from the top of a jump onto solid gravel. Felt like I broke my ribs. Put on a brave face for the week but was in a lot of pain. Back home I visited the doctor and have had an x-ray and will have a shoulder ultrasound in the morning. He doesn’t seem too concerned, mentioned a ruptured spleen was probably a more realistic and serious risk, but I need to put my mind at ease by knowing for sure that I haven’t done myself more harm and that I’m doing the right things to make sure I recover.

Aside from that the holiday was amazing. Pool, tennis, bike rides, restaurants, breweries, great dinners at home (wagyu steaks on the barbie, spaghetti vongola, roasted rack of lamb and so on), lots of wine, read five novels start to finish (Remains of the Day, Stella Maris, Olive Again, The Stranger and Dark Matter) and, above all, the kids had an absolute ball. We’re likely going back to the same spot this year, perhaps twice.