Deep Kranzky

Kranzky's Dairy


Sidetracked by our Punk Collective commitment to build a game each in the next quarter. The other three punks have been super productive with their games, and so I spend the week working on something myself… Blattix!


This will be a retro-style shooter with multiple waves of enemies, going for high replayability rather than depth of content. I’ve drawn inspiration from Encounter, Cosmic Causeway, BallBlazer and Vaxine.

It’s been an excuse to learn some shader programming, and to brush up on my linear algebra. I’m not using a 3D game engine at all, it’s just rendering sprites and doing a bit of tricky jiggery-pokery. Next I will move on to building a simple physics engine, which will allow collisions between objects, enabling some shoot-em-up gameplay.

Lots of fun!