Deep Kranzky

Kranzky's Dairy


I wrote a blog post about RnDB and recorded a video walkthough (which is linked to from the post), and had a decent response on Reddit (prompting me to add a few new features, particularly the ability to load and save mutations). Very nice to complete something, ship it and get feedback from the community in such a short window of time. And I can now cross RnDB off the list of project ideas that constantly nag at me in the back of my mind.

I discovered Standard Ruby and spent a bit of time making my existing project repositories compliant, but this in part was to distract myself from GumShoe refactoring, which is progressing slowly. It dawned on me that the process isn’t so much one of coding but of re-arranging things in your head. After many days of thinking and a few false starts I now have a rough architecture that makes sense, and I’m working to finish the refactoring and have a demo of the back-end integration up-and-running by early next week.

This will coincide with the end of The 7DRL Challenge, which some of the other Punks are participating in. Beetlefeet is building an awesome golf rpg, while Maxxor is making an apocalyptic wasteland with dynamic lighting effects. At our second coffee shop meetup yesterday they showed great progress. Chr15m started strong but bowed out after his Office Brawl simulator failed to light a spark, which is precisely the right thing to do. Follow the passion and fail early. Great to see!