Deep Kranzky

Kranzky's Dairy


Mum and Dad over to go to the concert. Eliza dressed and ready, looking very grown up. Dropped her at the Perth Concert Hall early (she was the first of about 450 performers) so we could grab dinner at Long Chim. Got there for happy hour; ordered cocktails and beers. Roast duck noodles for Jack, sausage for me, orange fish curry, rice, veges and a mixed grill with various dipping sauces to share. Absolutely delicious. Walked back to the concert hall to find it packed; we were about the last to take our seats. Performances were great; Eliza’s string orchestra sounded amazing, although we couldn’t see her, as she was seated at the back. Later, the years 7, 8 and 9 choir gathered above the stage, with Eliza positioned right in the middle, with a large gap on either side of her. She looked like a star up there, singing with gusto and smiling broadly. So proud of her; she looked to be having the time of her life. The show culminated will all performers taking the stage for a massive double orchestra and massed choir finale. Great night.