Deep Kranzky

Kranzky's Dairy


Easy morning. Decided I’d take my foot off the accelerator at work until design and requirements sort themselves out. Don’t want to rework any of the backend. Planned an easy day of fixing a few issues and getting some chores done: banking, cleaning, shopping and a blood donation. But they cajoled me to donate platelets instead of blood—I was reticent to do so due to my bad experience last year—but they were very kind and careful and it all went well. One of the young nurses flirted with me, saying my arms were lovely and warm and that I would “be a girl’s best friend on a cold night”. Flattering but awkward; this all in front of a room of other donors. Didn’t know what to say. Ended up taking a large chunk out of my day. Even worse, returned home dead tired, a combination I think of deciding to work less intensely and the loss of blood. Mooching around in the afternoon; mum and dad over with shepherd’s pie for dinner. Yum. Too worn out in the evening to code; vegged out in front of the TV before having an early night.