Deep Kranzky

Kranzky's Dairy


Sigh. Didn’t write a diary entry yesterday. And instead of going to bed at a reasonable time, I surfed Reddit for a couple of hours. Wrong, wrong, wrong. It’s hard to get back into the swing of things after taking a break, but I must do it. Watched a talk by Jonathon Blow on YouTube about getting over a lack of enthusiasm, but it didn’t help.

Kids were away too; Eliza went swimming with a friend, and Jack went to the movies with Mum and Finlay. Dzung’s desk was delivered, so I spent a good part of the day setting that up instead, which was physically exhausting. And I cleaned the house a bit. Then there were some urgent tasks with my day job, and a looming deadling at the end of the month that I’ll need to work extra hours to hit.

Made steaks and mashed potato with green beans for dinner. Delicious. Usual bedtime routine. Eliza very tired after her big day.