Deep Kranzky

Kranzky's Dairy


Busy day. Finished making the lamb and barley soup that I started last night, and went to the shops to grab salad, cheese and frozen chips. Then prepared soup, hamburgers, chips and salad for Dzung’s side of the family. Beautiful sunny day, so we sat outside to eat. Ma had two lamb sliders, and Ba ate several bowls of soup, and asked for some more to take home for dinner. Success!

Lilian, Lachlan and Joshua played their violins for us afterwards. Then packed up and went to pick up Mum and Dad to take them to the Civic Centre in Cottesloe where we watched Eliza and Jack’s piano concert. They played with confidence. Very proud of our kids. Finished the day at Barchetta, watching the sun set over the ocean. Ordered pizza and a share plate, and wine and beer.

Did a little bit of work on HackTile but nothing much. Need to find time during the week, as I’m pretty tired now and will make it an early one.