Deep Kranzky

Kranzky's Dairy


Busy day at work… knocked off a few major tasks, and followed up after a late-night meeting yesterday with a development team in Chicago.

Battening down the hatches this afternoon in preparation for an overnight storm. Winter is coming…

HackTile progress. Added vsync to the render loop, and changed the update function of the engine to allow the CA to update just 10 times per second (before that, after implementing empty space instead of requiring entities everywhere, it got up to 160 updates per second). Next on the list is to scroll and zoom the viewport.

Eliza had Cindy K over after school to do some baking. Jack had an asthma attack at school after doing cross-country training. And I headed off to the doctor’s to get some steroids to fight my own asthma (a side-effect of the cold).

Electrician over to fix the power points in Eliza’s room. Dzung very busy at work; she had a late brunch with April and Mary and then working all day. I made leftover curry with roti and rice for dinner. Calling it a night early… plan to veg and get some rest.